The EYAS Alumni

From nobody to straight A student in UCL, what enlightened her?

The coolest entrance result

I still remember that common self-study morning in the second year of high school. I heard the footsteps of the teacher faraway. I saw her holding 5 or 6 pieces of printing paper and standing on the platform with a smile. That’s the first bathch of offers sent from all over the world.” Lisa recalled, “My right hand couldn’t help writing but my brain already went blank.”

“Li—Chen—xi, when the teacher called my name I was so excited that I almost cried because UCL is the best among the schools I applied to and also my dream school.

Worrying that there were too many overseas students applying for colleges in UK because of epidemic, Lisa specially applied for other schools in Canada and US as an insurance. “KCLTorontoUBCMinnesota Twin Cities…… about ten in all. I also received offers one by one later

the time during application season recorded in techo

Generally there are two kinds of offers of foreign universities, Conditional Offer and Unconditional Offer. American schools usually give Unconditional Offer, which equals official notice of admission. Brritish schools give Conditional Offer, which is pre-admission. When you get the standarliazed grades required by school in senior three, you will be officially admitted.

What’s the experience of studying in UCL?

In the past 195 years, a total of 32 Nobel Prize winners and 3 Fields Medal winners have studied and served in UCL. What’s the experience of studying in such campus atmosphere?

Biochemistry is a very popular science major at UCL.

Lisa spent her whole freshman year in China because of epidemic. But even online courses still made her experience a very different  learning style from the university in China.

Biochemistry has a lot of laboratory classes. I couldn’t go to school due to epidemic so the chemistry teacher emailed us all the experimental materials( including video and worksheet). We sent our questions to the professor a week in advance, then he would reply in emais. If we still couldn’t figure out the problems, the professor would hold a Q&A session.

the experimental materials from the professor by direct email from UK

“sophormores will help freshmen to adapt the campus environment as soon as possible. Yes, it’s online. Six or seven people form a group. We chat on WhatsAPP and have meetings on ZOOM once a week. What impressed me is that once a senior shared a lot of learning methods---how to increase efficiency in class? How to take notes? How to deal with exams?”

A tutor with 5 to 6 students will have tutorial( individual tutoring) once a month. “ There are 5 girls in our group. We are from different countries.” “We will have meetings on Teams every 2 to 3 weeks. Tutor will assign study tasks, such as reading a piece of literature then we will raise questions and have discussions. Sometimes tutor will let us find a topic we are interested in to make a presentation. After that every classmate will ask you a question. There is also regular one-to-one meetings. We can send emails to our tutors whenever we have problems in study.

Lisa’s class notes

Top sudent works harder than you.

Although Lisa always laughes at herselves that she is the most unlucky international student, from the way she talks, you can feel her adaption and love for this learning period.

How to become a top student?

“Lisa wasn’t that talkative when she was a child.” In Dora’s impression ( Lisa’s teacher in EYAS) , Lisa was a quiet and shy girl.

Lisa participated in a study tour to Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence organized by EYAS in 5th grade.

“I felt she was fond of English, but she was too afraid to talk in front of others.” Dora recalled.

Yes, as a child,  Lisa was afraid of making mistakes or making a fool of herself and worried about others’ opinions about her, so she always kept silent. But Lisa vaguely remembered that Dora would always give her the chance whenever she had the slightest urge to express herself.

At EYAS, teachers will try every means to motivate children. Lisa very liked a team game called “Tornado”. She would keep raising her hand in order to win team honor.

In the PBL project, Lisa had to complete tasks with classmates. Unconsciously, she made a lot of good friends. In this atmosphere, Lisa gradually dumped the thought that she can just sit there and listen to the teacher, she became more active.

“If you lay a solid foundation in English, you naturally dare to speak.” Dora said.

Although in primary school Lisa’s grade wasn’t the top, she was successfully admitted to Wuhan Foreign Language School with her solid English foundation laid during four years’ learning in EYAS.

Not long after she entered junior high school, Lisa was recommended by her teacher to sign up for the English speeh contest at school because of her strong oral English ability. “ I was nervous and afraid, I polished and recited my speech for hundreds of times. Until the end, a lot of classmates voted for me which made me realize that I was good actually.”

After that, she attended CTBchina thinks big. Lisa served as leader and finished more than ten minutes’ speeh by herself. Finally they won the special prize in China and obtained the qualification for the global final in Harvard in USA.

When a person is armed with certain ability, she will take the initiative to do some things she is good at.

However, in general, Lisa’s junior high school years were not so smooth. Her poor science grades always plunged her in deep self-doubt. “At that time, my mom offered me great help. Whenever she wasn’t on a business trip, she would cook for me and accompany me to study in our rented house near the school. When family is by my side, I can keep communicating without hiding annoyance.

Lisa’s real rise happened in high school. She entered a good international high school, where all the major subjects are taught by foreign teachers and Chinese teachers answer the questions. In all-English environment, Lisa adapted faster than others.

Without rote learning or tons of exercises, only colorful class interactions and all kinds of experiments. The interesting American chemistry teacher let the girl who once suffered from the poor science grades surprisingly discovered that hateful chemistry can be so interesting.

In the international education environment, Lisa was in her element. Since second year in high school, her scores have been top ten. In her summer vacation after the second year, Lisa worked as an intern in a genetic company. She joined in a tumor database project to explore the correlation between tumor and environment.

the final report written in that year

In the path of exploring major direction, Lisa gradually identified herself. “I used to be inconfident, but thanks to my good command of English, I’ve confidently become who I am today . I used to be nobody, now I gain the possibility to be the pioneer.

The girl who used to fear the spotlight now has stood on the world stage. With the improvement of the epidemic condition in UK, Lisa will depart for her wishful London for further study in the world’s ancient first-class university. She will choose in-depth study in cell or immune related majors in the future. Her wonderful life has just begun! 

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